Page 92 - Goldair_Handling_F WEB
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Waste Management Environmental Awareness and Engagement
Goldair Handling actively pursues opportunities to reduce its waste production. The Company minimizes Goldair Handling reinforces employee engagement e-Environmental Applications
waste quantities at all locations through process improvements wherever possible.
in greening its operations, as it is more than Goldair Handling managed all
important for everyone to understand the urgency environmental issues for Outstations
and value environmental responsibility and (waste management, environmental
Waste generation breakdown ownership. programs & fire extinguishers) through
the e-applications developed on the
3% 1% The Company has invested in boosting the Compass electronic platform. The
environmental awareness of its employees through environmental applications are handled
the ‘Environmental Awareness Seminar’, which is by the local environmental coordinator of
part of the basic training for newly recruited staff and each station.
is mandatory for Section Supervisors throughout
2021 2022 the Company’s entire network on an annual basis. Corporate Environmental
97% 99% In addition to the annual environmental training Responsibility Letter
of employees, which -among others - includes Goldair Handling communicates its
actions to reduce CO emissions, the Company strategic environmental initiatives with
takes several initiatives: its shareholders through the Corporate
Hazardous Non Hazardous Environmental Responsibility Letter
Environmental E-Learnings that is sent on annual basis by the
Focusing on properly informing personnel Quality, Environment & Sustainability
on environmental protection matters, Department.
Waste generated in 2022 doubled to 1,076 tn, Quality & Environment Department, in
Carbon emissions (tCO )
Carbon emissions (tCO )
Management (tn)
2 2 compared to 2021 (529 tn), due to the Company’s collaboration with Training Department Furthermore, Goldair Handling contributes
2021 2022 increased operations and business activities in and Environmental Coordinators, has to Sustainable Development Goal 15 via
created a useful e-learning program for
the post-pandemic period. In 2022 non-hazardous
the establishment of Green Team and the
waste accounted for 97% and the remaining 3% all Company’s employees. For Station's voluntary actions implemented throughout
comprised of hazardous waste Environmental Coordinators a set of Greece, near airports of operation.
specialized training material has been
1.076 prepared and distributed. Green Team takes action in coastal clean-
529 ups, forest restoration and public spaces
Environmental News flyer redevelopment projects.
Environmental News Flyers have been
created in 2022, aimed at raising staff The team plays a vital role in people
awareness and informing them about engagement, as employees from all
the Company's actions on environmental airports participate.
Moreover, actions and relevant targets. Taking a step
the management of Following our objective further to extroversion, the respective Within 2022, 26 environmental voluntary
hazardous waste is performed to minimize waste disposal news flyers are additionally communicated actions and 2 donations were carried out
by qualified subcontractors for all to the Company’s Shareholders. throughout the network.
Goldair Handling Network. During the and increase the recycling
selection process, the subcontractors are of the waste we produce,
obligated to submit their respective licenses in 2022 we managed
and inform the Company about the final
administrator as well as the recovery code. to recycle180 tonnes
of paper, wood, plastic
and glass waste.