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In Goldair Handling,
we acknowledge that
corporate responsibility
and sustainable 1.Message from the CEO G4-1
development represent an
ongoing effort for all of us, It is with great pleasure that we present the first Goldair In its annual action plan, the Company has included
Handling Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable initiatives that address society and the environment,
which can lead to significant Development Report. in order to integrate the principles of sustainable
opportunities for strategic development and responsible entrepreneurship in its
For Goldair Handling, the Corporate Responsibility business activity. We are organizing volunteer actions to
growth and business efficiency. and Sustainable Development Report is a key tool for support socially vulnerable population groups, as well as
stakeholder information and engagement, as we believe initiatives to protect the environment through recycling
that the dialog with our stakeholders can add value to the and coast-cleaning programs. We are also providing
company. In an effort to establish an even stronger focus sponsorships to Non-profit organizations to support them
on the material aspects that concern our operation in in developing their activities, and we create conditions
relation to our stakeholders, in preparing the Report we and opportunities for sustainable development and
have adopted the new version of the G4 Sustainability prosperity. Our social and environmental actions are
Reporting Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative aimed at raising the awareness of corporate responsibility
(GRI G4). The adoption of GRI guidelines has been a and sustainability issues among our personnel and
strategic decision, which ensures that the Report’s overall at encouraging them to actively participate in all such
content is presented in a way that ensures transparency, actions.
Development in objectivity and comparability.
new markets by
In Goldair Handling, we acknowledge that corporate
2020 Consistently investing in extroversion, Goldair Handling responsibility and sustainable development represent an
maintains its leading position in South East Europe, as it ongoing effort for all of us, which can lead to significant
is present in an extensive network of 31 airports across opportunities for strategic growth and business efficiency.
3 countries. At the same time, it has strengthened its Despite the challenges which we come up against in our
international presence in Europe and Africa, through daily activities, such as geopolitical issues, terrorism,
strategic alliances and the provision of consulting refugee crisis, domestic politics and economic stability,
GRI services. In this respect, we consider that corporate and the capital controls, we believe that we have put in
responsibility and sustainable development are the
place the foundations that will enable us to respond with
G4 tools that will enable the company to further expand its consistency to the expectations and requirements of our
stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, etc.)
presence into two new markets by 2020, in line with our
strategic planning. and that we are in a position to maximize the value we
generate both in Greece and abroad, thus strengthening
Additionally, Goldair Handling, as the first private ground our efforts to promote a sustainable society.
handling services company in Greece, has contributed
1,442 substantially to the creation of new jobs in the domestic Dimitris Papamichail
market by hiring 1,442 employees in 2016, as well as of
new hires a more attractive tourist product, adhering fully to the CEO
principles of fair competition in the Greek market for
in 2016
ground handling services, which is now fully liberalized.
at 31