Page 25 - Goldair_Handling_F WEB
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A comprehensive Key Performance Indicators System Corporate Identity
for Business Growth and Development
Goldair Handling has developed a competitive business model which highlights the operational activities,
the Regulatory Bodies that affect its business, the customer categories and relevant communication
Goldair Handling carefully monitors and records its performance across all areas of operations using a channels, the main resources and assets necessary for the execution of the Company’s activities as well
combination of financial and non-financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The primary objective of this as the value proposition and respective usefulness. Moreover, cost structure and revenue channels are
approach is to continuously enhance the quality of the Company's services while providing a comprehensive also evaluated and incorporated in the corporate business model in combination with the main competitive
assessment of its effectiveness in all aspects of business development. KPIs are thoughtfully selected advantages that differentiate Goldair Handling from the competition.
to ensure that they accurately reflect Company’s activities and cover various areas such as operational
efficiency, customer satisfaction, environmental impact, and employee performance. Goldair Handling has Goldair Handling Business Model
a detailed KPI system in place to measure progress, identify areas for improvement, align efforts across Operational Regulatory Customer Communication
different departments, encourage accountability, and drive continuous improvement. By analyzing KPI Activities Bodies Value Proposition Categories Channels
data, it can optimize its operations, identify opportunities for growth, and ensure the highest level of service
quality to its customers. • Ground • Hellenic Civil • Providing High Quality • Airport Operators • Airport
Handling Aviation Ground Handling • Airport Authorities Authorities
Services (HCAA) Services (Hellenic Civil • Cargo Stations
• Freight and Mail • Athens • Contribution to the Aviation Authority • Commercial
Services International development and - HCAA, Hellenic • Marketing
• PRM Services Airport strengthening of the Aviation Service Communication
The Company's KPI framework is • Lounge • Fraport Greece local community Provider - HASP) Channels
>360 designed to ensure that every objective Services • Hellenic Aviation • Airport hospitality • Airline Passengers
Indicators for 2022* has associated targets, which are • Consulting Service Provider services aimed at • Lounge Passengers • Strategic
*Safety Performance Indicators are excluded monitored through specific KPIs with (HASP) customer satisfaction
and presented separetly Services • Wider shareholders
defined measurement methods. For (Lounge Services) (for freight and mail • Conferences
each KPI, a target value is set to Customer • Investment in the service) • Airport Operators
represent the desired outcome. To Relations development of human • Transportation
ensure effective monitoring, every KPI resources skills companies
(Lifelong Learning
is assigned to a specific department or • High level Skills)
>90 area of management, and a performance of customer • Raising awareness of
service with
Environmental Indicators* metric manager or director is responsible safety and employees and local Main Resources/ Assets Necessary for
*88 Environmental Performance Indicators EPIs for analyzing its value in terms of risk immediate communities on issues the Exercise of the Company’s Activities
4 Energy Performance Indicators EnPIs and performing a root cause analysis, response to for the protection of the
when targets are not reached. Relevant requirements as environment
procedures are linked to each KPI, and the main future • Ground equipment (baggage conveyor belts,
an action plan is developed to address • Customer passenger stairs, etc.)
any issues that arise. Finally, results Service • Motorized Ground Support Equipment
are communicated to management and Management (passenger vehicles, personnel vehicles
>280 the board through regular reports. The • Customer within the airport runway etc)
Managerial and Operational Company uses these outcomes to learn Survey • Operating Systems (ALTEA, Flight Tracker,
Indicators covering every aspect and improve its performance over time. Framework)
of business operation
Cost Structure Competitive Advantage Revenue Streams
• Salaries & other employee benefits • IATA - ISAGO The Company’s revenue comes
• Operating costs of ground equipment • IATA - CEIV Pharma exclusively from the exercise of all its
(maintenance & fuel) • IATA - CBTA activities
• Affiliate fees • Customer - centric Approach
• Staff trainings • ISO 9001:2015, ISO
• Operating system upgrades 14001:2015, ISO 22000:2018,
ISO 27001:2013