P. 83

Category: Environment
 Material Aspects: Energy            Material Aspects: Other Environmental Aspects

 4. Corporate Responsibility and
 Sustainable Development Strategy                              4. Corporate Responsibility and
 4.4 Materiality Analysis p.27
 Generic Disclosures on                                        Sustainable Development Strategy
 G4-DMA  7. Environment and Society -  √
 Management Approach                                           4.4 Materiality Analysis p.27
 Our Sustainable World                                         5. Responsible Growth
 7.1 Environmental Performance  G4-DMA  Generic Disclosures on   5.2 Financial Information p.42   √
 p.62                                  Management Approach
                                                               7. Environment and Society -
                                                               Our Sustainable World
                                                               7.1 Environmental Performance
 7. Environment and Society -                                  p.62
 Energy consumption within   Our Sustainable World
 G4-EΝ3  √
 the organization  7.1 Environmental Performance
 7. Environment and Society -
 Reduction of energy   Our Sustainable World  Environmental protection   5. Responsible Growth
 G4-EΝ6  √           G4-EΝ31                                                                      √
 consumption  7.1 Environmental Performance  expenditure       5.2 Financial Information p.42

 Material Aspects: Liquid Discharges and Waste  Material Aspects: Environmental Assessment of Suppliers

 4. Corporate Responsibility and                               5. Responsible Growth
 Sustainable Development Strategy  G4-DMA  Generic Disclosures on   5.3. Responsible Supply Chain
 4.4 Materiality Analysis p.27         Management Approach
 Generic Disclosures on                                        p.43
 G4-DMA  7. Environment and Society -
 Management Approach
 Our Sustainable World
 7.1 Environmental Performance                                 5. Responsible Growth
 p.62                G4-EΝ32           Assessment of suppliers   5.3. Responsible Supply Chain
                                       using environmental criteria
 7. Environment and Society -
 Our Sustainable World
 7.1 Environmental Performance
 In the Athens Airport, all waste
 Total weight of waste by   is managed by the Airport’s
 type and disposal method  subcontractors, under the contract
 between Goldair Handling and the
 Airport. In Rhodes and Heraklion,
 contracts with subcontractors are in
 place for 2016.
 In the rest of Greece, waste
 is disposed in the Municipal bins.

 Material Aspects: Compliance

 4. Corporate Responsibility and
 Sustainable Development Strategy
 4.4 Materiality Analysis p.27
 Generic Disclosures on
 G4-DMA  7. Environment and Society -
 Management Approach
 Our Sustainable World
 7.1 Environmental Performance

 Fines and non-  7. Environment and Society -
 monetary sanctions for   Our Sustainable World
 G4-EN29  non-compliance with   7.1 Environmental Performance
 environmental laws and   p.62

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