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                                                                                                      REPORT 2017

            3.3. Goldair Handling’s contribution
            to the UN Sustainable Development Goals
  Responsible for developing the Sustainable Development Strategy
  Responsible for engaging stakeholders and ensuring dialogue with them
  Contributes to defining Goldair Handling’s sustainable development goals
            In September 2015, the UN General Assembly agreed on sustainable development through the declaration of 17 Sustainable
  Plans the programmes and actions required to achieve the above goals    Development Goals (SDGs), with the objective of achieving them by 2030. The goals and the specific targets, which amount to 169
  Helps prepare the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Report.  in total, seek to end poverty, recognised the planet, and ensure prosperity for all.
            Goldair Handling has recognised the significance and value of the sustainable development goals and focuses on those which
            are most relevant to its operations and to which it can contribute the most in terms of their achievement. More specifically, the
 Goldair Handling’s Sustainability Committee consists of the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, the CEO, and seven officials
            Company can contribute to the achievement of the following Goals:
 from the following departments of the Company:

                                     The Company, through its actions in support of local communities and NGOs that aim at reducing
 Sustainability                      poverty in the two countries, contributes dynamically to the achievement of this Sustainable
                                     Development Goal in Greece and Bulgaria.

                                     The economic crisis in Greece has resulted in major social problems in our country. The
 Commercial   Ground   Ground        Company, through its social activation, seeks to contribute to the eradication of the phenomena
 Human   Finance  Operations   Operations   Quality &
 Resources  and Business   Environment   Marketing  of hunger that have arisen in recent years, in both urban and rural areas.
 Development  Athens   Outstations

                                     Goldair Handling recognises the importance of investing in the education and development of its
                                     people, with the goal of strengthening their professional and personal skills.
 The Core Team is composed of officials from all departments of the Company and reports to the Sustainability Committee. With
 a view to  successfully implementing  Goldair Handling’s  sustainable  development strategy,  this group regularly  updates  the
 Sustainability Committee on its progress with regard to the goals and actions on these issues. The Team is complemented by
 individual subgroups from each Company department, which it directs and coordinates through regular meetings.
                                     The Company emphasises equal opportunities for workers, and particularly strengthening the
                                     employment of women. It supports maternity and continues to employ new mothers.

 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CORE TEAM   The Company cultivates responsibility, ensuring the welfare of its workers. It implements

                                     actions and programmes that contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development
   Collects and analyses data on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility from all   Goal or Employment.
 Company departments
  Coordinates and monitors the implementation of actions and programmes for sustainable development   The Company makes an effort to reduce its environmental footprint and takes action to reduce
                                     emissions, actively contributing to the fight against climate change.
  Follows the stages of attainment of goals and takes corrective measures where this is deemed necessary

  Monitors developments in the field of corporate social responsibility at a national and international level

  Proposes actions and initiatives for sustainability, with a view to their inclusion in the Company’s
                                     The values for sustainable development with a sound financial structure, with justice,
 sustainable development strategy    transparency and respect for the people and the broader environment in which the Company
  Is responsible for creating and publishing Goldair Handling’s Sustainable Development Report   operates, always constitute the basis for facing the challenges of modern entrepreneurship.

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