P. 55
6. WE INVEST IN OUR PEOPLE G4-EC8 TOTAL WORKFORCE (by gender) New employee hires
Goldair Handling acknowledges that the key pillar of The key pillar of the corporate culture of Goldair employment. Out of 1,442 people hired in 2016, 906
its success and growth across all sectors of activity, are Handling is the development of the local communities, (62.83%) came from various regions of Greece in which
its people. which is why its business units across Greece source the company operates, while 536 (37,17%) were hired
their personnel from the areas where each unit operates. from the region of Attica, where the Goldair Handling
«The people of Goldair Handling, our people, are Apart from individual cases, all of the employees of each of headquarters are located.
the body and the soul of the organization. They are the 26 airports in which the company operates in Greece
the ones who were, are and will continue to be the MEN WOMEN come from the local community, thus strengthening the
foundation of its success” – Dimitris Papamichail, 62% 38% local economy and
NEW HIRES (by age group)
Goldair Handling employees create value not only
for the company itself, but also for its customers. This 1000 RESIGNATIONS
is why the company supports a workplace culture in 800 (by age group)
which employees feel valued and secure in terms of 600 845
The percentages have been calculated on the basis of the total number 500
employment, providing them with excellent working of employees for 2016 (2,890 employees) 400 236
conditions and continuous development of both their 200 418 250
technical competencies and their personal and social On 31/12/2016, the company employed 1,631 persons 100 179 200 118
skills, and cultivating a workplace culture of team spirit, in its business units in Greece, fostering a culture of equal 100
mutual respect and dedication. opportunities in terms of employment and advancement. 50 24
Overall, the company in 2016 had 2,890 employees in 0
various job positions and disciplines. This is a result of <30 30-50 >50
In order to offer a valuable work experience, Goldair
Handling is guided by the following behaviors that the seasonality of the services provided, which reach <30 30-50 >50
motivate the actions and activities of its employees: their highest levels in the summer.
Out of the 2,890 employees, 1,735 were permanent NEW HIRES (by region)
personnel, 1,128 were seasonal personnel and 27 100%
persons were recruited for internships. Out of the total 90% RESIGNATIONS (by region)
Promptness/Flexibility 80%
I react promptly and effectively to challenges number of permanent employees in 2016, i.e. 1,735 70% 62.83%
people, 60.63% were full-time employees and 36.14% 50%
I am consistent in my actions and commitments were women. 30%
20% 37.17%
Teamwork 10%
I am an essential part of the team Goldair Handling continuously invests in its human
capital and the main objective of its strategy is to be ATTICA REST OF
I respect the opinion and the work carried out by recognized as a valuable and responsible employer.
each one of us Through its partnerships with Greek educational
institutions and schools, it seeks to attract and showcase
talented young people by enabling them to carry out an 6.2 EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES AND DIVERSITY with the same opportunities for advancement to positions
6.1 ATTRACTIVE AND RESPONSIBLE internship in the company. G4-LA1 G4-HR3 of responsibility. The employees’ career progress and
EMPLOYER G4-9 G4-10 G4-LA1 remuneration depends solely on criteria such as work
A key strategic priority of Goldair Handling is to attract, TOTAL WORKFORCE Goldair Handling recognizes the inalienable right of experience, job description, duties and qualifications.
retain and develop highly-motivated employees, with (by employment type) all people to work, which is why it has established a
willingness to learn and maintain professional credentials, working culture and a philosophy of equal opportunities, NEW HIRES (by gender)
who will join its innovative working environment and will non-discrimination, objectivity and transparency. The
assist the company in its efforts to create positive impacts company fosters an environment of respect and dignity,
on society, the environment and economy. In this context, where equal treatment of all employees, regardless
Goldair Handling provides its people with an attractive of gender, racial origin, religion or any other form of
and engaging working environment, through education discrimination, is non-negotiable. In 2016, no incident of
and training, benefits and open communication. discrimination occurred in the company’s workplace.
With respect to the new employees hired in 2016, 40.29%
(581 persons) were women and of these 33.39% (194
women) were under the age of 30. In Goldair Handling
there is no discrimination in terms of wages and salaries
The percentages have been calculated on the basis of the total number
of employees for 2016 (2,890 employees) between male and female employees that are provided