P. 58

Parental Leave
              PERCENTAGE OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES NOT RECEIVING REGULAR PERFORMANCE AND CAREER                                                                                             PARENTAL LEAVE 2016   TOTAL  DAYS OF LEAVE
                                                                                                                                   For  Goldair  Handling,  compliance  with  the  legislation
                                                                                                                                   in force which contributes to a better balance between       MEN             37          52
                                                       ILLNESS/                                   NEW EMPLOYEE
                             CAUSE                                ETHIOPIA*  RESIGNATIONS  OTHER REASONS
                                                      PREGNANCY                                      HIRES                         professional and personal life is a key principle. Thus, in
                                                                                                                                                                                              WOMEN             38          58
                                                                                                                                   2016 the company offered 110 days of parental leave to
                             NUMBER                      24         17         198         5          24
                                                                                                                                   75 employees.                                               TOTAL            75         110
                  PERCENTAGE OF PERMANENT PERSONNEL    1.38%       0.98%     11.41%      0.29%      1.38%
                     PERCENTAGE WHO HAVE NOT HAD                                                                                         Gender           Number of employees entitled to leave in regards  Percentage of employees granted leave in regards to their
                A PERFORMANCE REVIEW, WHERE APPLICABLE  8.96%      6.34%     73.88%      1.87%      8.96%                                                    to their children’s school performance    children’s school performance
                               *Colleagues who have moved to Ethiopia in order to provide consulting services and transfer their know-how.  MEN                        379                                   9.76%
            In the context of the company’s development and in line with its culture of innovation, an internal Executive Management
                                                                                                                                         WOMEN                         184                                   20.65%
            and Development (EMD) system has been developed created in partnership with external organizations, as to enable the
            promotion of the appropriate executives to more responsible and demanding job positions. Additionally, the company has       TOTAL                         563                                   13.32%
            occasionally job openings for which permanent employees are given priority. The personnel evaluation the interview and                      Moreover, 33 female employees were granted a total of 2,992 days of maternity leave, with 85% of them
            qualifications, are taken into account for employees’ development.                                                                                    still employed at the company 12 months after their return to work.
                                                                                                                                                   Information on voluntary resignations after returning to work from maternity leave
                                                                                                                                                         Number of
                                                                                                                                         Gender          employees                            Time of Departure
                EMPLOYEE CATEGORY            TOTAL      MEN        WOMEN      % MEN      % WOMEN    TOTAL %
                                                                                                                                                             1                              During maternity leave
                       WORKERS               13          11          2        2.11%      1.90%       2.08%
                                                                                                                                                             1                     Immediately after the end of maternity leave
                      OPERATORS               2          2                    1.26%                  0.77%
                                                                                                                                                             2              Over a period of 1-5 months after the end of maternity leave
                        DRIVERS                                                                      0.00%                                                   1                      12 months after the end of maternity leave
                    OFFICE EMPLOYEES          24         12         12        4.04%      2.45%       3.06%
                                                                                                                                   Safety at the workplace
                    OFFICE EMPLOYEES
                (IN ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS)  5         4           1       16.67%      3.33%       9.26%                         Goldair Handling ensures the safety of the workplace in   them into accidents resulting in sick leave and minor
                        TOTAL                44          29         15        2.62%      2.39%       2.54%                         general but also of its machinery and facilities, and takes   injuries with immediate return to work. In 2016, only
                                                                                                                                   all appropriate measures in order to avoid accidents.   1.25% of company employees had an accident at the
                                                               Benefits                                                            Providing a safe working environment, with ideal working   workplace. The stations in which the accidents occurred,
               For yet another year, Goldair Handling honored   However, Goldair Handling, in line with its commitment             conditions,  is  a  priority for  the  company.  This  is  why   the number of workers and their gender, as well as the
               its employees who took part in or contributed   to responsible development and to employee oriented                 Goldair Handling records and regularly monitors any   total number of working days lost are shown in the
               to actions related to social responsibility and   perspective, goes beyond its statutory obligations                accidents which may occur at the workplace, classifying   following table:
               customer service excellence. More specifically, 97   towards its employees. More specifically:
               Goldair Handling employees received a personal   •  It provides to its permanent personnel interest-free
               thank-you letter signed by the CEO, for the strong   financial  aid  (payments  on  account)  regardless  of  the                                      Occupational accidents 2016*
               sense of professional responsibility they displayed   type of their employment contract (full-time/part-time)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Working days lost
               in  handling  difficult  situations  as  well  as  for  the   and the region of employment.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Total number          as a percentage
               soundness of their actions during the provision of   •  To enable the development and advancement of its                        Station            Number of employees     of working days lost  of total working days
               services under special conditions.              employees, it covers, where appropriate, the cost for                                                                                              for each station
                                                               obtaining  professional  qualifications,  such  as  for  the
                                                               operator and driver employee categories.                                  ATHENS AIRPORT                   34                   1,228                  0.34%
            In addition, nine employees were presented with awards   •  In cases of long-term illnesses and serious health
                                                                                                                                                MEN                       24                    918
            in the following categories:                       issues, the company provides leave for periods of time
               1.  Goldair Handling Values Award (Promptness/      over and above those to which the employee concerned                       WOMEN                       10                    308
                    Flexibility, Consistency, Teamwork, Respect)  is  entitled  and  contributes  financially  in  the  form  of      THESSALONIKI AIRPORT                1                      7                    0.01%
               2.  Customer Service Excellence Award           sponsorships-donations.
               3.  Social Responsibility Award                 • In addition, permanent employees are offered private                           MEN                       1                      7
               4.  Safety Award                                insurance which their families are allowed to join at a
                                                                                                                                         CHANIA AIRPORT                   1                      11                   0.08%
                                                               minimum cost.
                                                                                                                                                MEN                       1                      11
                                                                                                                                               TOTAL                      36                   1,246                  0.29%
              G4-11   G4-LA2  G4-LA3  G4-LA6                           EMPLOYEES FINANCIAL AID 2016
            All employees are entitled to minimum wages and
                                                                 TOTAL NUMBER OF PEOPLE        AMOUNT (€)                                       Minor injuries (requiring first aid) are not included in this table, although they are monitored by the company for statistical purposes.
            benefits,  as  defined  either  by  the  National  Collective                                                                           With respect to subcontractors (mainly security and cleaning workers), their share in the company’s activities is minor
            Agreement, or by the firm-level Collective Agreement.           96                 134,850.00                                                   and is not included in the above table, although accidents involving them are recorded.

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