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6.3  EDUCATION  AND TRAINING           G4-LA9      giving them the satisfaction of self-improvement in their                                                            NEW SKILLS DEVELOPED
             G4-LA11  G4-HR2                                   particular field but also of personal development.
            The education and training of its personnel represents
            an investment for  Goldair Handling, which is why it   During 2016, a total of 45,506 training hours were
            offers its employees opportunities to develop both their   provided to 1,442 employees (corresponding to an
            technical and their personal skills. The empowerment of   average of 32 training hours per employee).                                               Environmental  awareness  First Aid seminar  Passenger service  Dealing with Emergencies  Awareness/Information on disability and equality  Familiarization with  the use of equipment  Knowledge of hazardous  materials/merchandise
            the company’s employees improves their efficiency and
            helps  them  develop  their  knowledge  about  their  job,

                                                                                       Average training hours
                Employee Category      Number of employees        Training hours                                                           WORKERS              √                          √          √          √           √
                                                                                           per employee
                    WORKERS                    746                    21.628                    29                                          DRIVERS             √                          √          √          √

                     DRIVERS                    74                    1.776                     24                                     OFFICE EMPLOYEES         √       √        √         √          √          √           √
                OFFICE EMPLOYEES               564                    20.304                    36                                        OPERATORS             √                          √          √          √           √

                   OPERATORS                    58                    1.798                     31
                      TOTAL                   1.442                   45.506                    32                                                                  SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM

                                                                                                                                      NUMBER OF HOURS DEDICATED                                                       181
            Training data by gender:
                                                                                                                                      NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES WHO GAINED NEW KNOWLEDGE                                    341
                                                                 Average    Training    Training     Total
                Employee Category      Men     Women    Total  training hours   hours –  hours -    training
                                                                 by year      Men       Women       hours                             PARTICIPATION RATE                                                             19,70%
                   MANAGERS             24      30       54        3          72         90          162

                    WORKERS            547      106     653        6         3.204       630        3.834                          Evaluations
                                                                                                                                   Goldair  Handling  reviews  the  performance  of  its   year, with a specific timetable per target, as well as his/
                     DRIVERS            81       2       83        5          405        10          415
                                                                                                                                   employees on an annual basis in order to enable their   her training needs, that will lead to the employee’s further
                OFFICE EMPLOYEES       297      489     786        4         1.188      1.956       3.144                          professional and personal development. During the   improvement and development.
                                                                                                                                   evaluation, face-to-face meetings are held with the
                   OPERATORS           159       0      159        4          636         0          636
                                                                                                                                   head of the department or with the HR Department of   In 2016, a total of 1,467 employees (84.55%) of
                                                                                                                                   the company, where the employee’s targets for the year   permanent personnel (i.e. 1,735 individuals), completed
                     TOTAL             1.108    627    1.735       4         5.505      2.686       8.191
                                                                                                                                   under review are discussed and his/her performance   successfully their evaluation, as shown in the following
                                                                                                                                   is assessed using objective criteria. At the end of the   table.
                                                                                                                                   evaluation, the employee is informed of its outcome and
               The most important new training and development   In 2017, by integrating the training program for corporate
                                                                                                                                   discusses with the evaluator the new targets for the next
               programs of  Goldair Handling in 2016 were the   responsibility and sustainable development into the
               following:                                      compulsory e-learning training for all its employees,
                                                               Goldair Handling will ensure, that all its employees will
               Pilot launch of the program “On-the-Job Training” in   receive basic training regarding human rights and the
               some stations. Starting from 1.1.2017, the company   company’s respective policy.                                        PERCENTAGE OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES RECEIVING REGULAR PERFORMANCE AND CAREER
               will conduct this program for new employees in all of                                                                             DEVELOPMENT REVIEWS, BY GENDER AND BY EMPLOYEE CATEGORY (2016)
               its stations.                                   Skills Development
               Broadening the base of internal trainers. In 2016,   In the context of the required theoretical trainings taking
                                                                                                                                             EMPLOYEE CATEGORY                 TOTAL          MEN          WOMEN      PERCENTAGE
               internal trainers were up to 87, including On-the-Job   place,  Goldair Handling  employees, depending on
               Trainers.                                       their employee category and specialization, acquire new                           MANAGEMENT                      60            24             36          92.31%
               Launching of an e-learning seminar on the  Safety   skills in security, hazardous materials management, use
                                                                                                                                                   WORKERS                       548           460            88          87.26%
               Management System (SMS). The respective         of  computers,  first  aid  administration  and  passenger/
               e-learning program on  Security  Awareness,     customer service. These trainings are aimed at developing                            DRIVERS                      77            75             2           92.77%
               Environmental Awareness and the ALTEA Flight    communication and teamwork and stress management
                                                                                                                                               OFFICE EMPLOYEES                  633           244           389          80.03%
               Management will be uploaded to the company’s    techniques, as well as at promoting the active
               Intranet (Compass) during summer of 2017.       participation of employees in environmental activities.                            OPERATORS                      149           149            0           88.69%
               Personnel training in corporate responsibility and
                                                                                                                                                    TOTAL                       1467           952           515         84.55%
               sustainability issues.

   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61