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                                                                                                      REPORT 2017

 Additionally, "On-the-job training" has been established at Goldair Handling, which went into pilot implementation in 2016 in
 certain stations.

 It is a practical method of training which is based on the following 3 principles:   Total hours of training   Average hours of training per employee by
               2017 EMPLOYEE                                                        employee category
                                   Men          Women          Total         Men         Women         Total

               Management          104.00        3.00         107.00         14.86         3.00        13.38

 After employees succeed in the theory tests of the initial recruitment   Moreover, several  topics relevant to  the Company’s  scope   Office employees  21,040.35  42,454.40  63,495.15  40.86  44.88  43.46
 procedure, they are called upon to implement the theory in their   are covered through the e-learning training system, which
 day-to-day tasks. During the first days or weeks, depending on   successfully supports the training needs of the stations.   Workers  30,663.35  4,394.00  35,057.35  25.49  18.70  24.38
 the job, prior experience and knowledge of each employee, their   New courses related to Security Awareness, Environmental
 training continues, this time on a practical level, with the guidance   Awareness and with the ALTEA Flight Management were   Drivers  2,987.00  29.00  3,016.00  21.04  9.67  20.80
 and supervision of an “on the job trainer”. Once the stipulated period   realised during 2017, and the already existing courses
 elapses and with the positive contribution of the “on the job trainer”,   related to hazardous materials were updated. Also, for the   Operators  8,071.15  55.00  8,126.15  34.35  55.00  34.43
 the employees are ready to autonomously take on their duties. If an   first time within the year, an e-learning course was offered
 employee does not receive a positive evaluation by the “on the job   for the benefit of the Cargo department, which was based on   Total  62,866.25  46,935.40  109,802.05  29.91  39.57  33.39
 trainer”, he or she will have to repeat the theory training courses   the revised and detailed Cargo Handling Manual corporate
 from the start. “On the job trainers” are the in-house trainers, who   procedures. The course has been divided into 3 categories:
 have thorough knowledge of the competences and responsibilities   Import, Export and Warehouse, in order to meet the
 of  each  position  and  at  least  5  years  of  experience.  They  are   company’s needs. In addition to the e-learning application,
 appointed by the trainings department to offer practical guidance   this course may also be taught by an instructor in a class,
 to their new colleagues and they have also gone through similar   mainly for the newly-hired employees.  Total training hours in 2017 increased by about 35% over total training hours in 2016.
 training themselves. The pool of in-house trainers expanded further
 within 2017, now counting 22 trainers.

            6.3. Evaluation and recognition
 During 2017, 3,288 employees completed a total of 109,802 training hours.

            The Company aims to be an attractive and responsible employer, attracting people who are the best fit for our culture,
            who can share our visions and evolve within the Company by taking on positions with increased responsibility.

 2016 EMPLOYEE    Total hours of training   Average hours of training per employee by   EVALUATION  During the evaluation, meetings are held between the employee
 employee category
 LEVEL      Aiming at the professional and personal development of all   and  the  supervisor  of  the  department  or  the  shift  managers
 Men  Women  Total  Men  Women  Total
            employees, a Growth and Performance Dialogue is carried   responsible for the evaluation. In 2017, 2,072 employees were
            out annually with our people. The purpose of the Growth   evaluated, corresponding to 97% of the permanent personnel.
 Management  334.00  196.00  530.00  33.40  65.33  40.77
            and Performance Dialogue is an honest discussion between
 Office employees  14,984.20  30,997.30  45,981.50  36.73  37.99  37.57  supervisors and employees, with regard to the areas of   Goldair Handling invests in the growth of its people, and as a rule
            improvement either in their skills or behaviour. It also aims   it covers new job openings with internal transfers of employees,
 Workers  21,881.20  3,350.00  25,231.20  22.30  15.37  21.04  at setting out the targets for the next year, which are set jointly   regardless of prior service. Under transparent procedures,

            with the supervisors, regarding both skills and behaviour.  anyone interested in the new jobs can submit an application and
 Drivers  2,595.00  8.00  2,603.00  19.22  8.00  19.14
                                                              go through the selection procedure. The selection procedure
 Operators  6,858.00  0.00  6,858.00  30.08  0.00  30.08      consists of interviews and evaluations of real case studies.

 Total  46,652.40  34,551.30  81,204.10  26.48  33.29  29.00

 82                                                                                                        83
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88