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About the Report                                                                                                       Feedback Form

            Profile: Goldair Handling's ESG & Sustainability   in accordance with the guidelines GRI Standards                     Which Goldair Handling’s stakeholder group do you belong to?
            Report 2021-2022 is the fourth consecutive Report   (2021), of the international organization Global
            of the Company and covers the period 01.01.2021    Reporting Initiative (GRI), at the Core level, following                  Shareholders                 Employees & Trade Union           Local Communities & NGOs
            - 31.12.2022.                                      both the principles of determining the content and the                    Suppliers                    State / Regulatory Authorities    Passengers
                                                               principles for determining the quality of the Report
            In this Report, the Company presents the way in    defined by the guidelines.                                                External Partners            Financial Institutions            Institutional Bodies
            which it responds to the various economic, social
            and environmental challenges, as well as to the    The identification, analysis and prioritization of the                                                 Customers
            expectations/demands of its stakeholders. It also   most important issues was done in accordance with
            presents its ESG policies, procedures, strategy,   international and European standards, such as the                   Based on the information presented in the Sustainability Report 2022, how would you evaluate
            management practice, targets and programs. The     Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSDR)                 Goldair Handling’s Sustainability responsibility?
            Company publishes its performance in each axis     of the European Union, the Global Reporting Initiative                    Excellent               Good                    Average                 Needs improvement
            of sustainability, with the ultimate goal of open and   (GRI) guidelines and the Sustainability Accounting
            transparent dialogue with its stakeholders.        industry standard Standards Board (SASB).                           How easy was it to find information on topics of interest to you in the Report?

               The terms “Company” and “Goldair Handling”      Project Team: The creation                                                Very easy               Quite easy              Relatively easy         Not easy at all
               refer to “Goldair Ground Services Societe       of the Report was carried
               Anonyme” with the distinctive title Goldair     out with the support and
               Handling S.A. in the English name Goldair       guidance (data collection, evaluation and writing) of               How easy was it to find information on topics of interest to you in the Report?
               Aviation Handling S.A.                          Grant Thornton (                              (1) Completely disagree, (2) Disagree, (3) Neither agree/Nor disagree, (4) Agree, (5) Completely agree

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1   2   3   4   5
               The ESG & Sustainability Report 2021-2022 of    Sources of Information: The data and information
               Goldair Handling is available in the corporate   published in the Report have been collected based                   1.  The principles and topics you consider necessary for the Company’s
               website (       on official procedures applied at Goldair Handling,                    sustainable development are sufficiently covered
               in the section Sustainable Development.         as well as from the databases maintained in the                      2. There is a good balance and clarity among the different Report sections
                                                               context of the implementation of the Company's                       3. The structure has a nice flow, and the Report is easy to read
            Scope and Limits: There is no limitation on the    management systems. In places where data is listed,
            scope or extent of the Report that would affect the   which has been obtained after processing or is based              4. The graphical representation of the information is clear
            comparability of information from year to year. The   on assumptions, the way or method of calculation is               5.  The visual aspect is satisfactory and the infographics included positively
            data included in the Report relate to the overall   indicated, in accordance with the guidelines of the                   enrich the Report
            activity of Goldair Handling in Greece, while summary   GRI Standards.
            data are included for its subsidiary company Goldair                                                                   Please highlight any topics that have not been reported and should be included in the next Report:
            Handling Bulgaria, LGS Handling Ltd and Goldair    External Assurance: The data in this Report has not                 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
            AAS assistance which are based in Bulgaria, Cyprus   been externally verified by a third independent party.
            and Switzerland respectively. In the case of revisions,   Nevertheless, recognizing the usefulness and added           …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
            special reference is made to the individual sections,   value that the external verification of the Report's data      …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
            tables or diagrams and the reasons for the revision   can offer, the Company will consider the possibility of
            are specified in the corresponding points.         an external audit, in its next edition.                             Please describe your key concerns and/or issues that you have identified during your collaboration
                                                                                                                                   with Goldair Handling.
            ESG Team: The Company's ESG Team is tasked         Communication regarding the Report: Please                          …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
            with gathering and recording all the necessary     send us any observations or proposals to the
            data and information regarding Goldair Handling's   following address.                                                 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
            performance in the pillars of Sustainable Development.                                                                 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
            The members of the ESG Team come from all                                         Eirini Papoutsi,
            departments of the Company, coordinated by the                  Chief Sustainability Officer, Quality &                Please send the completed evaluation form (by post or digital) to the following address
            Quality, Environment and Sustainable Department.                             Environment Manager
                                                                 Athens International Airport, building 24, 1st Floor,             Eirini Papoutsi, Chief Sustainability Officer, Quality & Environment Manager
            Methodology: The ESG and Sustainability Report               19004, Spata, Telephone: 210 354 3850                     Athens International Airport, building 24, 1st Floor, 19004, Spata, Telephone: 210 354 3850
            2021-2022 of Goldair Handling has been prepared                Email:                   Email:

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