Page 76 - Goldair_Handling_F WEB
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Safety Management                                                                                                      Safety Governance

            Apart from the Occupational Health and Safety of employees, Goldair Handling deals also with the safety                  To ensure compliance and effectiveness of the     To effectively manage safety
            of the flight that serves. Passenger or aircraft handling services may affect the safety of the flight.                safety procedures and practices in place, Goldair   issues and ensure that      “10 Years Safety
                                                                                                                                   Handling has established a Safety Department to     the Management of the         Department”
            Our Approach                                       Hazard Identification and                                           manage and monitor all related issues.              Company is aware and      summary presented
                                                                                                                                                                                       involved in relevant

                                                               Risk Assessment                                                     In each of the regional airport where Goldair       topics, several group      to the Management
                                                                                                                                   Handling operates there is a dedicated employee,    meetings have been        Team and Extended
            A Safety Management System (SMS) is in place       Prevention is the goal for Goldair Handling and                     according to the Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority   established. The Safety      within 2022
            to address the relevant risks. During the reporting   based on that, risk assessment projects are carried              (HCAA) requirements, who works as the Local         Review  Board  (SRB)
            period, the Company proceeded with revision of     out to timely identify safety hazards and implement                 Safety Manager and is responsible for all the       is a high-level committee
            system’s documentation, such as the Safety Policy,   risk mitigation actions. During 2021 and 2022, the                related issues in cooperation with the Station      which is convened every month,
            the Safety Management System Manual and the        Company proceed with:                                               Manager. In three of these airports (Thessaloniki,   while the Ground Safety Action Group (GSAG) is
            Mandatory reporting form.                                                                                              Rhodes, Heraklion), the Company has                 performed every two months with the participation
                                                               • Risk Assessment for Fatigue in the Workplace
                                                                                                                                   established local Health and Safety departments     of the departmental managers. During 2021, the
            Moreover, as cargo activities are significantly    •  Risk Assessment for Ground                                       in order to identify any issue that may arise and   Company established the Cargo Safety Action
            increased, a separate SMS Manual was issued          Handling risks requested by APA                                   communicate it directly to the Corporate Health     Group (CSAG) in order to supervise and evaluate
            especially  for  Cargo  Warehouse  to  ensure      •  Risk Assessment for Commercial                                   and Safety Department.                              the cargo’s operational workplaces in safety issues.
            that high safety standards are followed in this      Pressure requested by APA
            service as well.                                                                                                        It should be noted that the above mentioned structure and management meetings
                                                               •  Risk Assessment for electric vehicles
                                                                                                                                    refer to both, Occupational Health & Safety issues.

                  In an effort to improve our safety                                                                                2021                                               2022
                  performance, we agreed with the airline      In 2021, we created additional modules
                  that we mainly serve, in following:                                                                               12 Safety Review Boards                      >     12 Safety Review Boards
                                                               in our digital platform “Flightracker”
                  •  IATA IGOM chocking procedure                                                                                   15 Ground Safety Action Group meetings             6 Ground Safety Action Group meetings
                   for our staff standardization               in order to register Risk Assessment                                 3 Cargo Safety Action Group meetings               6 Cargo Safety Action Group meetings
                  •  “Read back” actual loading                projects and Human Factors analysis.
                   to avoid Loading Errors
                  •  IATA code “BAL” instead of “L”
                   for ballast loads.

            74                                                                                                                     ESG & SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021-2022                                                          75
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