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Sustainability Sustainability
Relevant Goldair Handling priority Relevant Goldair Handling priority
target contribution and material target contribution and material
issues issues
• 4.4. By 2030, substantially increase Employee growth and development • 8.3 Promote development-oriented Goldair Handling aims to be one of the
the number of youth and adults who is an important priority for Goldair policies that support productive activities, top employers in Greece, providing an
have relevant skills, including technical Handling. The Company offers a decent job creation, entrepreneurship, excellent and fair work environment,
and vocational skills, for employment, work environment which promotes creativity and innovation, and encourage with opportunities for ongoing
decent jobs and entrepreneurship. professional growth and provides the formalization and growth of micro-, education and growth, acknowledging
• 4.6. By 2030, ensure that all youth and opportunities for ongoing education small- and medium-sized enterprises, the dedication and contribution
a substantial proportion of adults, both and skills development. 4 6 including through access to financial of employees. During 2022, the 3 4
men and women, achieve literacy and 8 9 services. Company employed 3,871 people, in
numeracy. The Company offers supplementary • 8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive all regions of operation. 5 6
• 4.7. By 2030, ensure that all learners targeted training programs which help employment and decent work for all
acquire the knowledge and skills employees get educated on specific women and men, including for young More information is included in 7 9
needed to promote sustainable topics and develop their relevant people and persons with disabilities, and section "Empowered employees". 13
development. competencies. equal pay for work of equal value.
• 8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the
More information is included in proportion of youth not in employment,
section "Empowered employees".
education or training.
• 5.5. Ensure women’s full and effective Goldair Handling is an equal • 8.8 Protect labour rights and promote
participation and equal opportunities opportunity employer, offering equal safe and secure working environments
for leadership at all levels of decision- chances and treatment to all its for all workers, including migrant
making in political, economic and public people, regardless of factors such as workers, in particular women migrants,
life. rank, age and gender. and those in precarious employment.
More information is included in 6 7 9 • 10.2 By 2030, empower and promote Goldair Handling strives to offer
section "Empowered employees". the social, economic and political equal employment opportunities to
inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, all potential employees, regardless of
• 6.3. By 2030, improve water quality be Goldair Handling controls, monitors disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion age, sex, race and other such factors.
reducing pollution, eliminating dumping and improves, where necessary, or economic or other status.
and minimizing release of hazardous its network of airports where it • 10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and More information is included in
chemicals and materials, halving the operates, aiming at a responsible reduce inequalities of outcome, including section "Empowered employees". 7 9
proportion of untreated wastewater and water management and proper water by eliminating discriminatory laws,
substantially increasing recycling and use, and consequently reduction of policies and practices and promoting
safe reuse globally. its water footprint. Additionally, the 2 appropriate legislation, policies and
Company also ensures responsible action in this regard.
waste management.
• 12.2 By 2030, achieve the sustainable Goldair Handling’s business operations
More information is included management and efficient use of natural are underpinned by the Company’s
in section "Our environmental resources. commitment to social and environmental
strategic priorities". • 12.5 By 2030, substantially reduce responsibility, and a comprehensive
waste generation through prevention, sustainability framework.
• 7.3 By 2030, double the global rate of Goldair Handling is committed reduction, recycling and reuse.
improvement in energy efficiency to take all possible measures to • 12.6 Encourage companies, especially Furthermore, as described below, the
Company has an elaborate approach
achieve energy efficiency through large and transnational companies, 1 2
proper monitoring of its performance to adopt sustainable practices and to to ensure responsible environmental
management, with notable focus
and overall strategic planning and integrate sustainability information into 3 4
investing in green equipment. their reporting cycle. on the areas of waste recycling and 10 13
responsible use of natural resources.
More information is included More information is included in
in section Our “Environmental sections "Company profile" and "Our
Strategic Priorities”. envrironmental strategic priorities"