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Double Materiality Analysis  Goldair Handling Double Materiality

 Within the scope of this year’s sustainability report, Goldair Handling undertook a double-materiality   High
 assessment to identify, analyze and prioritize the issues that are most important to the Company. The process
 followed was in line with the recently approved 2022 Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD),
 as well as leading reporting standards such as the GRI Standards and the AA1000 Series of Standards.  5
 As per the double materiality process, the Company evaluated the impact of the material issues in two levels:  1
                                          4 7            14    11    9   2  10

 Goldair Handling’s impact to the   The impact of the environment   8      12
 environment and society, which is in   and society to Goldair Handling,   IMPACT ON SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT
 line with the concept of sustainability  2  which is in line with the concept of the
 materiality, which has been part of   financial materiality, as well as financial
 the Company’s sustainability report   criteria used to define material issues
 1 so far (“Environmental and social   (Financial materiality or “outside in
 materiality” or “inside out impact”)  impact”)

 The Company adopted the following process in order to identify, assess and prioritize its material issues:
                   Medium                                                                               High

 01  02  03  04  05                               IMPACT ON BUSINESS VALUE

 STEP   STEP   STEP   STEP   STEP   E  1  Climate Change, Energy Management and Emissions
                            2       Waste Management

                            3       Customer Experience and Satisfaction

                            4       Responsible Supply Chain

                   S        5       Occupational Health and Safety
                            6       Employee Experience and Engagement
 Identification   Assessment   Assessment   Engagement   Prioritization
 and recording   of all recorded   of all recorded   of the internal   and recording   7  Diversity, Inclusion and Equal Opportunities
 of all issues   material issues   material issues   and external   of the finalized   8  Social Initiatives and Volunteering
 of importance   with respect   with respect   stakeholders   list of material
 (material issues)   to the (inside out)   to the (inside out)   with the aim   issues. Validation   9  Training and Development
 to the Company   business impact   impact   of assessing   of issues from   10  Creating Value for all Stakeholders
 and its   on the   on the   all material issues   the Board
 stakeholders  environment   environment   and integrating  of Directors,   11  Digitalisation
 and society  and society    their views   and evaluation
 on the business  into the process  to align them   G  12  Corporate Governance And Business Ethics
 with the
 Company's                 13       Business Model Resilience
 strategic priorities      14       Privacy and Data Security

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